With an increasingly aware consumer, who is learning that canned tomato is not a commodity and should not be chosen only on the basis of price, there has been an increase in both volume (+9.7%) and in value (+16.4%) compared to the same period of the previous year of the sale of tomato products.
Italy is confirmed as the leading transformer and exporter of tomato products, with 13% of world production and 53% of European production and with a turnover of up to 3.5 billion euros. Exports account for 60% of all production and guarantees a collection of 1.8 billion euros.
The tragic situation linked to the state of pandemic, has favored the increase in stocks by consumers, and has guaranteed this year higher numbers than the ordinary. The challenge for the sector is to be able to have even ten cents more recognized for half a kilo of tomato so that we can better remunerate the entire production chain, from the field to the table.